The Five-Fold Anointing
Ministering in the Supernatural Power
of the Holy Spirit
The manifest Presence and Power of God seems to be lacking in the Church today. People are longing to sense the anointing of the Spirit of God. Good preaching, powerful programmes and excellent fellowship are wonderful, but they are no substitute for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A thorough study and understanding of the anointing is vital if the 21st century Church is to carry out its commission and effectively take the Gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations. |
Learning to Lead in Ministry
How to experience success in ministry by studying leadership
There is a great need for leaders in the church today. Almost every negative situation within a ministry can be attributed to the lack of leadership. Leadership learning is a lifetime activity because there is always more to learn.
This book contains a wealth of information based on God’s Word that teaches believers how to be great leaders |
The Five-Fold Prayer
A Holy Spirit inspired prayer model
that ensures 100% answers to all your prayers
This prayer model teaches that if certain conditions are met, we have the assurance that all our prayers will be answered. 100% answered prayer! What a wonderful promise God gives to His children who learn to prayer effectively in accordance with His Word. In order to prayer effectively and expect 100% results from your prayer life, make sure you implement this five-fold prayer model. |
Millions God’s Way
A radical approach to accessing Kingdom wealth
We are living in the last days and the world’s financial situation is deteriorating by the day. Nations are bankrupt. Banks are running out of money. There is financial turmoil worldwide which means that it is becoming more and more difficult to escape the financial chaos being experienced everywhere.
But we do not have to participate in these financial troubles if we make God our source. God wants only the best for us and His best is financial freedom! |
Christian Ethics
Applying a code of conduct that is Christ-centered and obedient to the will of God.
Christian ethics differ from secular ethics because they are linked to the Bible and determined by the unchanging truths of Scripture. Christian ethics do not follow majority opinion, nor does it conform to customary behavior.
The purpose of any Christian system of ethics is to enable mankind to live in a correct relationship with God and man. |
Spiritual Battlefields
Defeating every demonic assignment and living in complete victory
Many new believers do not grow in their faith and the demonic assignments launched against them may cause them to become discouraged and they will begin to fall away. Many are not taught how to overcome the onslaught of the evil one and become confused and disorientated when things begin to go wrong.
This book teaches believers how to overcome the enemy and live in complete victory. |
The Prophetic Anointing
Preparing 21st century believers for the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit
We are living in a prophetic season. Jesus wants to communicate with His Church and has things He wants to say to us today. Developing our prophetic anointing comes as we develop our relationship with Jesus.
As we draw aside from our busy lives and spend time with God and ask Him to speak to us, we will hear His voice more and more clearly. |
Understanding World Religions
Many Religions but only one way
Religion has always been with us and throughout history it has expressed the deepest questions human beings can ask. Christian in the 21st century must develop the capacity to critically evaluate alternative religious traditions and worldviews and to cultivate the skills necessary to participate fully and responsibly as Christians in religiously plural societies. |
A compilation of anointing teachings
I have compiled a book out of some of the messages that I have preached over many years of ministry. The teachings are anointed and relevant to the present-day church.
Make use of the teachings in this book and you will see how God will give you deeper knowledge and understanding as you release the power of His Word to others. |
Supernatural Gifts
Demonstrating the presence and power of the Holy Spirit by learning to exercise your spiritual gift
The Holy Spirit imparts His gifts to the church so that we can minister in His power and ability. These gifts are the most fundamental way in which ministry occurs within the present day church.
This book encourages each and every believer to understand that God wants to use them to build the body of Christ. We do not have to rely on our own talents and abilities because we cannot build anything of spiritual value in our own strength. |
Anointed For Ministry
How to experience God’s supernatural power by studying the anointing
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite for all those who want to do great works for the Lord today. We are not able to succeed in life and ministry without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
We cannot advance God’s Kingdom without Kingdom power! |
The Apostolic Anointing
Preparing the church for the coming glory
The apostolic anointing is about to usher in a new church that will be different to any church that has ever existed before from the birth of the first church two thousand years ago.
This anointing will bring a renewed focus on equipping and maturing believers so that they will fulfill the prophetic mandate in this last generation of the church age. |
Apostolic Finances
Money matters in God’s Kingdom
It would appear that the Bible condemns the accumulation of wealth. The Biblical perspective of money should present wealth in a different perspective.
A person’s attitude towards money and generosity with one’s wealth are fundamentally conditions of the heart that have not changed since the ancient world.
God is not opposed to riches. In fact, He is the originator of financial blessings.
Apostolic Rule
Exercising dominion over the earth as we rule and reign in this life
Many Christians believe that Jesus will rule in the future but they do not believe that He is doing so right now.
His rule is over everything in this present world and He also has total dominion over the world to come. The presence of the Kingdom is found supremely in the Person of Jesus Himself.
The Power Of The Local Church
The church is still relevant today
There is no substitute for attending church because it is necessary for the spiritual wellbeing of God’s children. Doing so is a part of being in submission to God. People who cannot submit to earthly leaders may discover that they are unable to submit to God.
Receiving the preaching and teaching of the Word of God increases our faith and builds us up spiritually.
Grow free from bondages
The devil’s plan is to steal kill and destroy. God however has a greater plan through His Son and that is to restore mankind so that they can enjoy abundant life. The way to defeat the devil is to resist him. Satan must flee because he cannot match the power of God.
Believers should know that there is nothing more powerful than the blood of Jesus.
Baptism In The Holy Spirit
Experiencing God’s supernatural power
Effective ministry can only be performed in the supernatural arena and this is only possible if we are anointed with the Holy Spirit. The true anointing refers to the hand of God upon your life releasing extraordinary gifts and supernatural endowments. It is the power and presence of God that will enable you to accomplish mighty things in your life and ministry.
We are not able to really succeed in life and ministry without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit
The Last Sounds Of The End-Time Church
The end is now
We are living in the last days and Jesus is coming soon. Prophetically, there are five events that will occur in sequence and the countdown will begin with the first event which we are about to see take place.
We really need to discern what God is saying to the church in this season.
Super Faith
The roadmap to your future
Faith is being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it. There is an invisible realm consisting of things that we cannot see. These are spiritual things and just because we cannot see them with the natural eye does not mean that they do not exist.
They exist because we have faith. Faith is the DNA or the substance of your future.
Anointed For Ministry
How to experience God’s supernatural power by studying the anointing
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a prerequisite for all those who want to do great works for the Lord today. We are not able to succeed in life and ministry without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
We cannot advance God’s Kingdom without Kingdom power! |